Vybor Air Base Guide: Camp Hope Edition

Introduction to Camp Hope (formerly Vybor Air Base)

  • Camp Hope emerges from the remnants of Vybor Air Base as a beacon of sanctuary in the midst of chaos. Managed by the ARXRP‘s Joint Task Force (JTF), this area has transformed from a high-risk combat zone to a symbol of unity and security within the community.

Key Strategic Points

  • Control Tower (JTF FOB): The JTF has fortified the control tower, establishing a Forward Operating Base that oversees the safety of Camp Hope. Its presence has encouraged survivors to set up a camp nearby, fostering a burgeoning community within the once desolate airbase.
  • Barracks (Realistic Loot Pool): Reflecting the passage of time and the narrative of the world, the barracks house equipment that is scarce but appropriate for the setting. This serves to enhance the realism and immersion of the in-game experience, reflected throughout the ‘XRP’ Universe.
  • Hangars (Future Faction Hub): Designated for potential future use by factions or businesses, the hangars represent opportunity and growth, standing ready for survivors to claim and develop.
  • Surrounding Woods (JTF Training Grounds): These woods are not only a source of cover and resources but also serve as training grounds where the JTF imparts survival skills and combat training to willing survivors, bolstering the community’s resilience.

Navigating the Environment

  • Within the confines of Camp Hope, the risk of sniper fire is mitigated by the JTF’s presence. However, beyond the ‘wire,’ the lands are a deadzone where danger lurks, and survivors must be vigilant.

Camp Life

  • Camp Hope is not just a military installation but a living community. Survivors can engage in various roleplay scenarios, from participating in the camp’s daily life to contributing to its defence and expansion.
  • Camp Hope is a civil area, a place of law and order under the watchful eye of the JTF. Any actions that disrupt the peace, such as raiding, are considered unlawful, however still possible.
  • Survivors are encouraged to contribute to the camp’s prosperity, engage with others in our hardcore survival roleplay, and partake in the training offered by the JTF to strengthen both individual and collective survival skills.

A Note on Safety

  • While Camp Hope is secure, the world beyond its borders is not. Survivors are advised to exercise caution when venturing outside, as the deadzone holds true to its name.

Images courtesy of Flight Sergeant H. Hernandez, ARXRP.

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