Independent Retailer Month

Big chain stores and supermarkets were a fantastic luxury during the pre-apocalyptic era. Something that isn’t so much so now.

Since the infection began and conflict reigned across the globe, independent retailers have never been more important which is why we believe in carrying on this special period of time in honour of those who keep us supplied with all our routine needs.

Independent Retailers are our neighbours, friends, and family, whether they’re running the market in Grabin providing cereals or jams, or local hunters and farmers who bring us the best in fresh food and nutrition. National Independent Retailer Month reminds you to help support them to support your community.

There’s a few ways to celebrate independent retailer month, but the most prominent is getting out there and using local traders and markets. Don’t buy honey from some distant apiary when you can pick it up from your local supplier and know that it’s all been produced locally.

Some places to consider;
Shaggy’s Auto Repair (Gliniska) – Why not take your vehicle for a nice drive along the Biela River where just south of the Gliniska Train Station you can have your vehicle checked over and serviced as if new with Livonia’s longest trading business. Contact Shaggy ‘Duncan’ Michaels on your ICOM.

Real Steel (Radacz) – Owned by Captain Henry Steel, former British Army Officer, this local Arms Dealer provides all the latest hardware from basic defence from the infected to hunting as well as the more traditionally explosive methods of warfare for the more ‘gun ho’ members of society.

Tortuga Trading Ports (Olszanka) – Tucked in nicely to the West of the former Kopa Prison, TTP is a short drive from Topolin with great access from Nadbor in the South and Gliniska in the East. Run by Josh ‘Double Tap’ Morris, the TTP provides a great selection of goods at reasonable prices.

Doc N Dukes (Kolembrody) – Situated on the outskirts of Kolembrody, DnD provide a vast array of goods ranging from Military Surplus, Medical, Clothing and other speciality items including PPE.

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